Friday, 27 July 2012

Let's Waste Time..

I play with your mind, you play with mine!
Whatever happens to this god-given life.
Precious, is not the word for the swine.
I have an ego to massage, You have thine.

Let's waste time.

Let me have my say and win, and celebrate your loss.
When I lose, I too become a rot.
Whatever happens to our self, is an imaginary thought!

Let me know my little world - for it's all that I got.
In the twilight of my life,
I will sit and reflect, if everything was a naught.

For now let me be drunk, on who is who and what is what.
Let me be one, with all who are similarly caught. 
I want to feel at home, although I'm lost.

Let me not think of way back, until it's too late.
For I fear finding, what I really sought.
So let me just be, it's my escape from lots.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Dear Success

It only suits a successful man to talk of the importance of a failure !

Who does not love or want success? But unfortunately or fortunately, it's a few things that you could choose to be successful at. Rest are endured in the spirit of completing the circle.It's heartening to be received as successful - as sometimes it's a burden of a tired soul, trying to find an approval of it's own ideas, and at others an answer to a question, long sought. I have experienced this dialogue so many times, in my mind.

Deep within, there is a die-hard believer in most of us, who wants to stand a little longer, wants to be heard for some more time. One can sometimes feel elevated with success stories, even though the recipe has been recycled and served.

Self and its matters are germinal subjects, when it comes to motivation. Happiness is perhaps the second most important. My only contention is that - in retrospect, perhaps most of us think that we have dealt amazingly with our situations, but could we ever lose the gravity while we were in/with them ? And then the argument is that you need to experience, all shades of life, to keep alive. So, my point is - why bother then ?

I think rationality is a benchmark, that most of us have, for our decisions. Pursuit of self can verge on to the pursuit of selfishness. It's not an easy life because all of us think and think differently. And that holds in the idea of success and failure too.

I feel, there could be more happiness, if not sought. More of self when not searched ! But success is alluring, very comely in demeanor.Failure, if not translated to success, is despicable. The tryst goes on.. and I keep hooked on to dear success..

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Wet Wet Wet !

And it rained! :)

6:00 pm. Over 40 degree Celsius. Clouds dark grey, managing to block the sun, but for a few rays, lending the gloss to the rocks and the plants beneath. I can see very beautiful, cinematic colors of green, grey, orange, brown (well, name it !) – spread out on a large canvas before me. Times when you want your journey to last longer.. Another 20 mins and there lands a big rain-drop on my window, and then another follows and in no time, its like a splash !

After enjoying the scene from behind the wet screen for some more time, I reach my station. I disembark - immediately conscious of the need to shelter myself from the downpour. I hire a rickshaw, which barely shelters me and my belongings. There’s a group of young lads walking in the pools of water beside the roads. Kicking it now ‘n’ then, to wet their sidekicks. I have an urge to join them…but the awareness of the overflowing drainage, keeps the thoughts in check.  

There’s a bit of chaos and confusion on the road, as commuters try to figure out its steady parts. I inch closer to my home, in the middle of the sound of horns and tempers and mutual dialogs between strangers. I can see someone, with his motorbike stuck on something submerged in water. As I contemplate whether to get down and help or stay put, wishing well, I hear a loud horn.. and ..

Splash !  

The next moment I’m all wet !

There's a young biker who whizzes past, piercing through the pool of water, making sprays of water jets, wetting the civilized neighborhood, evoking the choicest invectives they have known, in their life ! My being is amused.. suddenly woken up !

I’m aware of bacteria and the other inhabitants of the hidden world, resting on me, right now.. but for the maiden rain of this season – I could bear with them ! :)

Friday, 6 July 2012


The candle had been melting slowly. Soft breeze almost flirting with the flame, tickling it here and there. I had been watching it with a purposeless, keen intent. With the rest of the world soaked in darkness, the interplay looked amusing. It were the wee hours of the night, with occasional bark of the dog and rustle of the leaves, as the wind caressed them. I sat right beside the candle, making some abstract association with it.

There had been a major technical snag and the people had been rendered 'powerless' and quite literally so. As I sat at  the window, enjoying the subtle, silent moves, that were only possible with the darkness- I noticed myself too - moving and dancing with the flame, on the opposite wall.

My rather stationary self had been playing all along, beyond my cognizance of the fact..I knew this would be a short game that would at the most, last till dawn. I looked out, peeping into the ocean of black. I got down from the window and blew the candle off. Game over !

All was one and I was one with all..