Friday, 6 July 2012


The candle had been melting slowly. Soft breeze almost flirting with the flame, tickling it here and there. I had been watching it with a purposeless, keen intent. With the rest of the world soaked in darkness, the interplay looked amusing. It were the wee hours of the night, with occasional bark of the dog and rustle of the leaves, as the wind caressed them. I sat right beside the candle, making some abstract association with it.

There had been a major technical snag and the people had been rendered 'powerless' and quite literally so. As I sat at  the window, enjoying the subtle, silent moves, that were only possible with the darkness- I noticed myself too - moving and dancing with the flame, on the opposite wall.

My rather stationary self had been playing all along, beyond my cognizance of the fact..I knew this would be a short game that would at the most, last till dawn. I looked out, peeping into the ocean of black. I got down from the window and blew the candle off. Game over !

All was one and I was one with all..


  1. Good one, Medha. Reminded me of the younger days when I and my sister watched the multiple shadows cast from many candles moving with each flicker. And we would make a comic of ourselves trying to escape them !! Many times moulding our fingers to throw animalistic shadows on each other.

  2. He he :).. childhood is always a very special time and with siblings - who are always your connection to the past, it's amazing to relive those moments! and Thanks :)
