Thursday, 16 June 2011

Alive ?..really ?

Sun's rays dispersed carelessly on the placid waters of the river, emanate peace and calm as myriads of souls cross over the bridge above it everyday. But so much like the view is variously the life of many or all perhaps.

 'Underneath your clothes, there's an endless story.. ' (well only that much from the song for now !)

I cross this bridge everyday like so many others, for reasons that I don't comprehend too much, but here believing comes first !

The other day, I stopped by a TV channel showing the 'Great Migrations' of different species across the earth. One specie following the rains, the other following the forests, the third their prey in these two, the fourth the water current etc. etc. And it was as if they were all destined to migrate as an integral part of sustaining the food chain.One eats the other and both breed more and man eats all (well almost ! thanks to the gray matter which works for just about everyone)

Not that mere distance would evoke such philosophical sentiments, but from a bird's eye view, all the locomotion apparently fits us also somewhere in this race for survival.And for the many of my clan - who by all major parameters of survival, would survive - ironically look the most lifeless.

Survival takes its toll too !

Quiet a few quit for want of more or less from life. Many became the unsung heroes whose obituaries were written in the sands of time. The others - of whom I know through preserved inscriptions in stones, books and world literature. Not sure whether they would agree with these accounts about themselves, if alive or if only destiny was the rightful scribe. Because as I have seen it, when you're assuredly about to sing -  'All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go..', life tells you to sit down, loosen up, take a deep breath in, breathe out and Relaaxx ! And just when you're footloose and fancy-free, it hits you hard and makes you wake up to reality..

Personally I'm an ardent fan of the theory of Karma, but somehow I'm missing the inferences from the practical experiments. Its a Neti, Neti (not yet, not yet) for me so far..

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