Mother's/Junior Horlicks with DHA - A product for healthy mothers and healthy and 'smart' babies.
IIPM - rated to have the maximum 'intellectual impact'.
Happened to listen to a spiritual guru who explained about 'FSP' (Fixed Stimulus Plan, if I recollect it well!) To expatiate a little, an ostrich would love a doll if it could make the sound of its young one and would fail to recognize its own offspring, if it doesn't produce the sound. And human beings also more or less respond similarly defying their logical and emotional abilities. That is - compliments and warmth evoke compassion and joy, contrary emotions are evoked by criticism and hate.
Another interesting event happened, when a consultant called up for a job opening at a software development firm. While discussing the practices and processes at the represented organization - he mentioned 'peer programming' and 'test programming' among a few. A little bit of a detail would tell any programmer that that's a way of working for her/him, even otherwise, sans the terms !
On a different note - young individuals seeking partners have come up with a new dimension of a 'mental/emotional fit' along with other parameters that they look for in a matrimonial alliance.
So the point here is that when there is a talk of consumer driven or consumer driving markets - I see abstraction as an idea - an emerging trend. One can't quantify smartness, intellectual impact etc. or validate it scientifically, and thus it can't really be challenged or met absolutely. People associate differently with any/each of these, and so it becomes a safe bet. Would like to spare a thought on why and how a consumer has started thinking this way - which gives life to such campaigns..
In these times of seamless connectivity - knowledge has become a commodity. There's an avalanche of information available on a few movements of the fingertips. And when we talk of the sources of power - knowledge has it's own undisputed claim. Intellectualism has been a revered trait since times immemorial. But years ago, any act qualifying to belong to that category had years of research and perspiration going into it's making. Perhaps, that was the reason why there were few intellectual giants..
Today most of the educated crowd has access to the pertinent repository in a matter of milli/micro seconds - thanks to the very efficient search engines ! This is giving rise to a different genre of consumers altogether. To drive him/her or be driven by his/her needs, an appeal beyond the utility of the product has to be made. An exclusivity is desired by every owner of perhaps even the same product. Abstraction and some 'intelligent' terms make it attractive in a many-of-its-kind market, as every owner has a right to interpret in his/her own way.
But this triggers another debate of sorts. If our age is busy producing intellectual pygmies in search of a two-minute fame through similar tools of quick gratification, then this should suit just fine. But if the audience is knowledgeable now, then we are maturing towards a different age - for which, can this be a sustained strategy ? Because if not well complemented with the tangibles- this trickery could prove to be the death-knell in the long term.