Yes the point is, does it really?
Apple falling on the ground led Newton to discover gravity. And that has through ages been responsible for many related phenomena in the universe. And then Einstein propounds his own version and makes it a push factor of time and space instead of the pull of a heavenly body. Apples still fall on the ground, because of Einstein’s or Newton’s gravity. History repeats depending on the perspectives taken!
I opine that it can never repeat itself. The impossibility of marriage of time, space and circumstance would preclude such a happening. Given the existence of ever advancing time, this doesn’t look like a possibility either.
A great discovery is countered or enhanced with time. This could be a novelty or a continuity of a pattern. A horseman fallen off it brushes himself up and gets back on the saddle. The next time he falls is another fall, another event under different circumstances.History is an alibi for bias and familiarity.
I look at the various facets of the universe – mesmerized and lost. I’m sure it’ll reveal some :)
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